Call for Proposals: Revolution, a century later (1917-2017)


Lo Sguardo – Journal of Philosophy
Call for Proposals 

A CENTURY LATER (1917-2017)

N. XXV, October 2017

edited by Giso Amendola, Giacomo Pisani, Libera Pisano

On the occasion of its Hundredth anniversary, the XXV issue of Lo Sguardo (scheduled in October 2017) will be dedicated to the Russian revolution, interpreted as a crucial event of the contemporary age, which marked starkly the historical events. It was the first open challenge to the capitalism, dealing with a political change of the sovereignty, of the social structures and of the class struggles. A century later, one should rethink the theoretical constructs and the global geopolitical impact of Russian revolution, coping with its mythicization and its forgotten heritage as well. The issue will be divided into the following sections:

Philosophy and revolution

The first section will shed light on the philosophical and political interpretations of Marxist-leninism in the last century (i.e. Plekhanov, Kautsky, Bernstein, Trockij, Gramsci, Labriola, Luxemburg, Lukács, Korsch, Bloch, Frankfurt School, Arendt, Althusser, Sartre, Popper, etc.).

A global revolution

Its geopolitical impact on the anti-colonial struggles. Starting from Hill’s work, this section will be focalized on the connection between Russian revolution and the huge constellation of post-colonial studies and anti-colonial movements.

Icons, Myths, Narrations of revolution

The third section will analyze the propaganda tools, i.e. films, photography, art and literature, which contribute starkly to construct and spread the myth of the Russian revolution.

Post-revolutionary Communisms

Coping with the radical change of global capitalism, the forth section will explore on the one hand the heritage of the Russian revolution in the European communist experiences of the last century, on the other hand the today’s different approaches and forms of resistance to neoliberal capitalism (Negri, Badiou, Zizek).



Procedure: please send to the email address, an abstract of up to 4000 characters, including the title of the proposal and a description of the essay. All the proposals will be evaluated by the editors and our readers. Te result of the selection will be notified to the authors by November, 30th, 2016. Accepted proposals will be received by the editors within a new deadline, which will be communicated to the authors with the outcome of selection, and then subjected to a double blind review.

Call for proposals

Lo Sguardo invites researchers and scholars from philosophy, history, sociology, political sciences, gender studies, cultural studies and related disciplinary fields to contribute to the 25/2017 issue, by taking up one of two possible topics:

CFP/1 – Women in the Russian revolution: This section will feature papers focused on the historical and crucial role of the women during the Russian revolution. Articles should propose a biographical, political and theoretical portrait of one of the female revolutionary figures (f.i. Alessandra Kollontaj, Elena Stassova, Nakzhezda Krupskaja, Ines Armand, etc.) or they should attempt a close examination of the women’s participation and feminist liberation during Bolshevism.

CFA/2 – Neo-Marxism and Revolution: This section will feature papers focuses on the re-interpretation of revolution by the Neo-Marxist philosophies during the last years, facing with a radical change in the production process and with a new form of mutualism and self-managements, which goes beyond political institutions and property.

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